Jeremy J. has ventured down many different paths over the years. A former white collar criminal, Jeremy rehabilitated himself and after many entrepreneurial attempts, he succeeded to become the Founder/CEO of a fledgling tech company and the creator of the world's largest domesticated animal database, which he sold to attend the Documentary Program at Capilano to allow him to show that it's these life experiences, and all those in between, which have gifted him with such a unique perspective on the many facets of human society.
Jeremy J. has chosen to using his unique perspective to create media, with the intent to define the human experience. Now is the time we must define ourselves, as we all face an uncertain future, the challenges of which must be met together as a united species.
Jeremy J. is currently in production of his first film, a short animated documentary about a male survivor of childhood sexual abuse called Thunder & Lightning between Heaven & Earth which he is producing and co-directing with Rane Miller. Having completed the institutional films; The Cost of Silence - #USTOO: The Healer's Edition and The Cost of Silence - #USTOO: Preventative Justice.